That's the idea that was my distraction at Christ the King Mass. A set of relatively simple social media challenges to do for each day of Advent; ones that open the heart to the good, the true, the beautiful and the noble and that aren't too preachy or too denominational.
If you find it works for you, take it and run with it and use the #TakeTheAdventChallenge hashtag.
December 3/Day 1: Jesus. He is the reason for the season. Post an image of Him that has meaning for you, and say why it touches your heart.
December 4/Day 2: Waiting. Advent is the season of holy waiting. Post an image of the kind of waiting you've done today (mailbox, phone, bus, train, taxi, oven, a crossed out calendar etc)
December 5/Day 3: Pray for peace. Write your own prayer or copy someone else's prayer for peace, and then share it.
December 6/Day 4: Hope. Find an image that speaks of hope to you (eg sunrise, bird in flight, a newborn baby, someone going through rehab therapy etc) and share it.
December 7/Day 5: Christmas past. Locate an image from a Christmas past, post it and say something about why you chose it.
December 8/Day 6: Mary, Mother of Jesus. Without her 'Yes' to God there would be no Christmas. Find an image of Mary that appeals to you and share it – together with why it appeals to you.
December 9/Day 7: Christmas ornament. Take a photo of your favourite and share it. (wreath, tinsel, heirloom ornament, Christmas stocking, decoration that goes on the top of the Christmas tree etc) Mention why you like it so much.
December 10/Day 8: St John the Baptist. He's the one God sent as herald for His Son Jesus. Your choice, you can either quote some of his words from the Bible or find an image of him to share – or both.
December 11/Day 9: Community service. Research either the Reconciliation times of a church near you, or details about a community celebration of Christmas carols, -and post those details.
December 12/Day 10: Pray for the sick, especially for those who will be in hospital over Christmas or who through illness will be prevented from being with loved ones. Write your own prayer or copy someone else's prayer for the sick, and then share it.
December 13/Day 11: Light. Find an image of something that gives off light which is meaningful to you, and share it and why it gives you a bit of a lift (eg candle, chandelier, street light, Christmas lights, campfire, lighthouse beacon etc)
December 14/Day 12: Bible verse. For many people this is the day when it all seems too much and too impossible to get everything done by Christmas. If you have a bible verse that keeps you going in tough times, share it. If not, share an inspirational quotation that has helped you in the past.
December 15/Day 13: Christmas carol. Which one has the most meaning for you? Share a verse of text from it or find an audio or YouTube rendition of it and post that. Mention why it is special for you.
December 16/Day 14: Pray for the grieving, especially for those whose grief is fresh and who are acutely feeling the loss of the deceased person from the Christmas feast. Write your own prayer or copy someone else's prayer for those who grieve, and then share it.
December 17/Day 15: Who is your favourite nativity character (or object) who is not part of the Holy Family (eg angel, shepherd, magi, star, donkey, ox, Herod, the cave, the manger etc) and Why? Do a post about that.
December 18/Day 16: Community Service. Research the Christmas Mass times or Christmas Service times of a church near you, - and post those details.
December 19/Day 17: Joy. Share an image of something that brings joy to your heart (a bunch of flowers, a child's smile, a child contentedly asleep, the sound of loved ones laughing, watching waves at the beach etc)
December 20/Day 18: Christmas card. Share the front cover of a Christmas card you have received that you really like, (or a gif or e-card image if you prefer).
December 21/Day 19: Star. Who has been a star, a guiding light in your life, who has helped you find the better path? Take a moment to honour him/her.
December 22/Day 20: Pray for travellers, especially for their safety. Write your own prayer or copy someone else's prayer for travellers, and then share it.
December 23/Day 21: Loved One. Recall a loved one with whom you shared a happy Christmas in past years, and who has entered eternity. Share a photo or a memory of them that resonates with you and which honours them.
December 24/Day 22: Take your own photo, or post an image you like of a nativity scene, and add some kind of positive Christmas message (Joyous Noel, Happy Christmas etc).